We promote an understanding of the human body, its aesthetic movement and how we use it. We seek to develop physical competence and participation in worthwhile physical activities both now and for the future by promoting the value of sustained physical activity throughout life. We believe that physical education can help to promote self-esteem, co-operation and competitive endeavour. We celebrate success and see enjoyment as a major benefit of participation.
Physical activities in the hall, on the field and on the playground are broad based and designed to develop children’s co-ordination, their ability to handle a variety of apparatus and equipment, and the skills specific to a wide range of sports. We teach gymnastics, dance and athletics throughout the school and all children have the opportunity to swim during their time at St Paul’s. All pupils have two hours of PE each week. We invest Sports Premium funding in professional coaches who enrich and extend our provision, as well as providing on-going Professional Development for our teachers.
We take part in local competitions for netball, boys’ and girls’ football and athletics as well as inter-house matches on a termly basis. We have school sports clubs for a variety of sports throughout the year. We also take part in participation events and festivals provided by the School Games Organisation, providing children with an enriched PE curriculum and the opportunity to have fun learning new skills, often with an element of competition against other schools.
Each year we have a Fit For Life Week in the Summer term where children have the opportunity to increase their fitness levels by establishing a daily routine of activities designed to raise heart rates and improve suppleness. It also encompasses a wider healthy message through nutrition sessions and mental health activities. A competitive sports day also takes place.
We promote physical activities outside school by informing parents of local initiatives and events.