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History  at St Paul's

History at St Paul's is taught based on the National Curriculum objectives.  There are skills which are used throughout the Key Stages in order for all pupils to show progression.  History is either a double lesson each week

taught half-termly, or a single lesson each week, with the other subject being Geography.

The teaching of History enables the children to learn from the past and events that occurred.  It helps them to see how certain individuals have helped to shape the world that we now live in.  They learn to look at primary and secondary sources of information and decide how reliable they are.  They understand that pre-history happened before written records existed.  The children can become confident in looking for similarities and differences of different times in History.

We aim to promote pupils' enjoyment and enthusiasm for this subject through engaging lessons.  These can include drama, research, looking at artefacts, watching clips of life at that point in time and artwork.  History trips are also an invaluable way to embed the learning received in the classroom.

History Intent at St Paul's

We are Historians

Be like an Information Excavator, Time Traveller, Detective

History Overview