Governor Grid
St Paul's Governors
- Edward Arnold - Co-Chair (LA / Diocesan Governor)
- Laura Willis - Co-Chair (LA / Parent Governor)
- John Walton - Vice Chair (PCC Governor)
- Rebecca Jones - Interim Head (Headteacher Governor)
- Karie Wingrove - Staff Governor (Staff Governor)
- Jane Anderson (Foundation / Diocesan Governor)
- Paul Cudby (Ex-Officio Governor)
- Chris Barson-Cain (Parent Governor)
- Melanie Havelock (Foundation / PCC Governor)
- Karen Larkin (Foundation / PCC Governor)
- Vacancy (Co-Opt Staff Governor)
- Vacancy (Foundation / PCC Governor)
- Vacancy (Foundation / PCC Governor)
- Vacancy (Foundation / Diocesan Governor)
You can contact the Governors by emailing or by writing directly to the school.
The Role of a School Governor
- To provide a strategic view
- Raise standards of achievement
- Establish high expectations
- Promote effective teaching and learning
- To act as a critical friend
- To support the Head Teacher in performance of their functions and to give constructive criticism
- Monitor and evaluate the school's effectiveness
- Promote interests of the school and pupils
- To ensure accountability
- Discuss, question and refine proposals
- Support the school to deliver high standards of achievement and wellbeing of the children at the school.
Governors' Responsibility
Governors work together. The most important thing to say to any new governor is that as individuals governors have no power whatsoever – no power to criticize, advise, warn, solve problems or intervene in anyway. The power which the governors have belongs to all of them acting as one, making decisions by majority vote if necessary, at a properly convened meeting working to clear rules.
All parents of children at St Paul’s Combined School Wooburn Green have access to the board of governors at any time but in the first instance any queries should be raised with the class teacher or Head Teacher who will invariably be able to settle any query that a parent may make.
What The Regulations Say
Governing bodies must act as a corporate body. They must act with integrity, objectivity, and honesty and must be open about and prepared to explain, their decisions and actions.
The Governing Body
The Governing body is to carry out its functions with the aim of taking a mainly strategic role in the running of the school. This includes supporting the strategic framework for the school, setting and supporting its aims and objectives, setting and supporting policies and targets for achieving the objectives, reviewing progress and reviewing the strategic framework in the light of progress. The Governing Body should act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher by providing advice and support.
Although the minutes of the governor’s meetings are usually made public, the means of making decisions should remain confidential. Any matters concerning individuals, both staff and pupils, are confidential. Other matters may require to be kept confidential and at the request of the governing body.