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Our Vision and Values

School Vision

St Paul's is a family; everyone is valued and shares a unifying vision exemplified in our Vision Statement:

School Values

Our School Values have been defined in consultation with children, parents, staff and governors at St Paul's.  They have been chosen as umbrella terms and encompass a range of principles and shared beliefs which are explored through collective worship, class activities, PSHE lessons and beyond.  These values are evident in these areas but not least in the way that all of us interact in school.

These values are based on Christian values but are wholly inclusive of those of different faiths and world views. Children are taught not just to tolerate, but to celebrate diversity and difference in school and in wider society.

Children cite the story of Noah and the Flood as one Bible story that exemplifies the Values we hold dear at St Paul's.





“Spirituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, inspiration and being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside of ourselves.”

Our provision for spiritual development of pupils includes their: ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life; knowledge of, and respect for, different people's faiths, feelings and values.