Nursery Information
Key Person
Each child will be assigned a key person who will help support their individual development and act as the key point of contact for parents. However, you are always welcome to speak to any member of staff at any time. The key person will also be responsible for recording children's learning in their Learning Journey.
Equality of Opportunity
We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunities and to supporting children with learning difficulties and disabilities. We work together to value diversity and to treat everyone associated with the setting without prejudice and as individuals, with equal concern regardless of religious persuasion, cultural and linguistic background, racial origin, sex, social group, disability or age.
A chronological record of learning is kept for each child to aid continuity and progression of learning. Each child has their own book containing photographs, observations, activities achieved and pictures as a record and keepsake of their time at St Paul’s Nursery. Parents are welcome to look at their child’s records at any time. Parents receive a report celebrating their child’s progress and achievements when leaving the nursery. A copy would be sent with permission to your child’s next setting or school.
Sickness and Medicines
The nursery records all accidents and first aid and parents will be asked to sign a copy when they collect their child. If your child is ill please inform the nursery on the school number. If your child suffers with sickness or diarrhoea please keep them at home for a minimum of 48 hours from their last bout of illness. We need written permission to administer any medication. Medicines are not usually administered unless the doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist has prescribed them for that child. Non-prescription medication may be administered but only with prior written consent of the parent and only when there is a health reason to do so.
Child Collection
Children will only be released to an agreed adult. There is a child register in the nursery to sign if someone different will be collecting your child. In an emergency the person collecting the child would use an agreed password. If the situation alters during the session please ring the school as soon as possible.
Policies Procedures/Complaints
All Nursery and School policies are available for parents to look at and take away at any time. St Paul’s School and Nursery has a written procedure for dealing with concerns and complaints. Numbers and details of OFSTED are clearly displayed on the notice board and an explanation of how parents can make a complaint to OFSTED if they wish.
We welcome students into the nursery and enjoy the new ideas they bring and experience we can share. We work closely with students and their colleges or universities, and ensure all they do is carefully supported and monitored.
At St Paul’s the Nursery and Reception Class staff plan and work closely together to ensure continuity and progression throughout the Foundation Stage. These staff members are timetabled to work in both the Nursery and Reception class settings, thus the children get familiar with all the staff. Through regular joint activities, visits to school, including assemblies, PE lessons and use of the school library, we aim to ensure the transition from the nursery to school is gentle. Several of our children will attend a different school and those reception teachers are invited to visit the children in their nursery setting. All records are passed to their new school and contact visits encouraged to ensure transition from the nursery to the child’s new school is a positive experience. If your child will be leaving the nursery to attend a different school please inform the nursery as soon as possible.
Lunch Boxes
If your child stays for lunch please ensure their lunch box does not include any nut or sesame seed products as we have children with severe allergies in the school and nursery. If your child suffers with any allergic reactions please inform us immediately. We do not have any cold storage facilities so it is necessary to ensure that there is an ice pack in the lunch box all year round. Children will also need a drink with their lunch.
Snack Time
Children enjoy a snack time in the nursery in the morning and afternoon session. There is free provision of milk/water and different fruit.
Parent Helpers
We welcome parents or helpers. All our parent helpers are subject to a DBS check as detailed in our Safeguarding Policy.
Spare Clothes
A spare set of clothes in a named carrier bag on their peg is useful for any little accidents! Also names on any clothes and shoes the child may take off makes our job so much easier! We aim to take the curriculum outside wherever possible so suitable clothing for whatever our British weather may bring is important. On the rare sunny days please ensure each child is protected with sun cream and a sunhat. We also now have our new all weather Mud Kitchen, so wellies and waterproofs would be helpful to avoid muddy clothes.