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Welcome to the PTA section.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA was founded in 1969 and all parents of children at St Paul’s and staff are automatically members. The PTA committee consists of a chair, vice-chair, secretary / communications officer and a treasurer. Each class has one or two class representatives who are a fundamental link between the PTA committee and parents, and all parents are invited to the PTA meetings held the first Tuesday of every month. The Headteacher is the President of the association.

The PTA organise a range of activities throughout the school year to help raise funds and involve everyone and the local community in school life. Current activities include a school disco, quiz nights, cake sales and fetes. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions!

Most recently the PTA has raised funds for iPads for almost 3 classes’ worth and have got several parents and organisations to donate their time and money into revamping the environmental garden to bring it back into use for the children to use as a sustainable and cost-effective learning resource.

All parents are strongly encouraged to support the PTA, whether through joining the committee; supporting in the organisation or running of events; or simply by engaging with us and attending our events! All monies raised are spent to improve a variety of aspects of school life – to improve facilities and resources for the children.

Please do email the PTA for further information:

Email address: