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Personal, Social and Health Education

Mission Statement

At St Paul's we aim to provide quality PSHE teaching that links closely with our School Values and ethos.  Linking our PSHE lessons with the values of Courage, Respect, Hope, Enjoyment and Sense of Community will enable all of our children to ‘Grow in Strength, wisdom and Faith’.

We will achieve this with our programme of 3 core themes;

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Hopes for our children in PSHE - We are global citizens.  We are unique, safe and empowered.


PSHE at St Paul's inspires our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities in a variety of ways and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to become critical thinkers and develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.  We strive to provide an ambitious curriculum that meets the expectations of the National curriculum and this enables all of our children to flourish, including SEND and disadvantaged pupils.

Empower – To empower all of the children in our schools, no matter how young with the skills to be a kind and respectful citizen in society who knows how to keep themselves safe and has the courage and resilience to be able to make their own decisions.

Adapt - To provide an adaptive curriculum that is responsive to our children, their needs and influencing factors to our school community and the wider community around us.

Safe spaces- To base our PSHE ethos on that of a place of safety, respect and understanding, where all children’s opinions will be valued and respected.

Our Christian values underpin all aspects of our teaching and learning. The school values are embedded into every PSHE lesson.


At St Paul's we use Jigsaw PSHE’s scheme of work for the planning and delivery of PSHE.

Jigsaw 3-11 offers a comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work. Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year.

  • Term 1: Being Me in My World
  • Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
  • Term 3: Dreams and Goals
  • Term 4: Healthy Me 
  • Term 5: Relationships 
  • Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

Every Piece has two Learning Intentions, one specific to Relationships and Health Education (PSHE) and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills. Each year group will study the same unit at the same time (at their own level), building sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes.